Online Scoring |
The Ortiz PVAT is automatically scored through the MHS Online Assessment Portal, which is also where reports of the Ortiz PVAT results can be generated. When there is an internet connection, test information from the Ortiz PVAT application will be automatically uploaded to the Portal for scoring. Note that data will be stored on the local device in the event of internet disconnection. If connection to the internet is lost, connect the device to the internet as soon as possible so that assessment data can be uploaded to the Portal. An internet connection is required to obtain scores and generate reports for the Ortiz PVAT.
Prior to report generation, all required demographic information must be entered or confirmed. Although “Uncertain” is a valid option during test administration, fields with the response of “Uncertain” must be updated for scoring purposes. The following information is required to score the Ortiz PVAT:
Two types of reports can be generated: the Assessment Report and the Progress Report. They can be accessed via the MHS Online Assessment Portal as PDF documents.
The Assessment Report provides Ortiz PVAT results regarding a single administration for an individual. For an examinee who is an English speaker, their scores are compared to the scores of other native English speakers of the same age in the English Speaker normative sample to help identify possible vocabulary acquisition difficulties. In the case of English learners, their scores are compared to other same-age English learners in the English Learner normative sample who have similar lifetime exposure to English. Details about the types of scores provided in this report are provided in chapter 4, Scores and Interpretation. The Assessment Report also provides information regarding instructional needs to assist the examinee in making progress toward grade-level standards in English. Recommendations regarding instructional needs (or English learning experiences for individuals who are not currently in school) are based on comparisons to same-age English Speaker norms, for both English speakers and English learners. In addition, intervention strategies or recommendations for further English vocabulary development and growth are also included.
The Progress Report combines results from up to five Ortiz PVAT administrations for the same examinee in order to measure change over time. The Progress Report assists the evaluator in determining whether the examinee’s scores have increased or decreased relative to the expected rate of growth for the time elapsed between administrations. This assessment of progress is accomplished through the Growth Index (see chapter 4, Scores and Interpretation, for more information on the Growth Index). The Progress Report also provides information on instructional level changes across administrations.
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